Message to the Physics Community, Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Classes ended today and I would like to thank the students, faculty, and staff who made classes possible in this awful time.  From what I can tell, remote instruction went well, but also served to remind all of us how valuable residential learning really is. Thank you all for working so hard to make the term happen.


Academic Continuity Meeting

Fall – discussion and community engagement about what fall might look like continues.  Stay tuned.

Physics Department

Fallout – good Lord, why is this in Science and PRL?  I don’t doubt the results, but now is not a good time to give people ideas.

Anyons – invented by Frank Wilczek, they are neither fermions nor bosons, but in between.  They were first observed a few months ago.  Quanta has the story.

Los Endos

As the term ends, I am thinking about the need for the daily Message.  I think the daily message will continue in some form and would like to hear your thoughts.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll hereThanks to Physics Council, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich, and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.