Message to the Physics Community, Monday, May 4, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Academic Continuity Meeting


  • Academic regulations – memo from Rick Danheiser

Town Hall – Tuesday, 4 pm, students, faculty, staff, Lincoln Labs, parents.  The last one had 7,000, this one will include parents.  Announcement here.

Using classrooms – the Administration is busy trying to figure out how to accommodate students back on campus in the Fall.  A fundamental question is how well we can fit students into our classrooms while avoiding crowds.  There was a very interesting presentation on the first thinking about this, slides here (32 MB, pray for bandwidth).  I was very happy to see the level of thought being put into this problem, one of many.

Physics Department

Uncle John – article in Washington Post today about John Trump, the President’s brother.  John Trump was a physicist and Course 6 professor who was rather distinguished.  He built a van de Graaf accelerator that still operates int he High Voltage Research Laboratory on the corner of Albany and Mass Ave.  Some of us used it for an experiment a couple of years ago.

Los Endos

Damnation – watch it.
