Weekly Message to the Physics Community, Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Yesterday, Dec. 8,  was “Safe Harbor Day”, the day by which states are supposed to have certified their elections and accredited their Electoral College delegates.  I believe all the states except Wisconsin did.  Yesterday was the day the first COVID-19 vaccine injections were given in Britain.  Some progress.

Some sad news  – I’m writing to share the disappointing news that Ibrahim Cissé will be leaving our department and MIT.  Ibrahim has accepted a position at CalTech. Nergis and I worked hard to keep him at MIT.

Ibrahim Cisse earned tenure earlier this year and formally became a joint faculty member in Biology.  In his 6 short years at MIT, he has made significant contributions to understanding gene expression in living cells, using and developing techniques of super-resolution microscopy in live cells. He has been awarded numerous grants and awards, including the NIH New Innovator Award and the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science. He has been a positive force in the department in all ways: his science, as an instructor (especially in our first-year subjects), his service (especially as Colloquium Committee Chair), and his powerful voice in DEI issues. 

Please join me in wishing Ibrahim well as he begins the transition to CalTech and Los Angeles.


Above the Fold


  • NRT announcement for seniors here
  • University of Chicago Grainger Postdoctoral Fellowship in Experimental Physics, deadline Dec. 15, here
