Weekly Message to the Physics Community, Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

As the election approaches, many of us are becoming distracted, to say the least.  This will be a time for us to be extra patient, focus on those around us and what we can do for each other, and not expect so much from ourselves.  Regardless of the outcome or lack of outcome, we are all Physics Community members, whether politically we are republicans, democrats, or independents.

The Physics Department follows the guidance from the Academic Policy and Requirements Team’s (APART) expanded guidance (here) item 17:

Activities around Election Day Instructors are strongly encouraged to avoid scheduling exams or having major assignments due on Election Day and the day following Election Day (November 3 and 4).

All of our lectures should be available online, and this will allow for voting.  MIT has also posted guidance for on-campus gatherings around electron time here.

November 4 will be a difficult day for many, regardless of political views.  As with any difficult time, sometimes the best we can do is acknowledge that others may be in distress, let them know they are part of our community, and leave it at that.

I must admit to being pretty distracted and nervous myself, “Like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.” as Jed Clampet would have said.  I try to remind myself that I am really okay in a Maslow’s Pyramid sort of way – whatever happens in the next week will not change who or where I am, and I am in a place with a strong mission and values.  Still, it’s hard, and there is no way around that.



  • http://mitvote.mit.edu/ has all kinds of information about the voting process
  • There will be special events all election week Nov. 2-11 here.
  • MIT has resources (faculty and staff here, students here)  if you find yourself in need of help or feel bad and don’t know what to do.  Getting help when you need it is a sign of strength.


  • New academic calendar here – Spring term starts Feb 16, 2020
  • Insight Fellows Program announcement here.
  • Spring 2021 Planning – Chancellor’s talk at Faculty meeting Oct. 21, 2020, here
  • A new program in MIT Physics, Statistics, and Data Sciences, here
  • Nominate a colleague for an Excellence or Collier Award
  • Caltech WAVE summer program


  • “Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality,” a new book from Frank Wilczek, cover here
  • ORISIS-Rex: another cool sample return mission to an asteroid.  It seems to have worked out.
  • I found “A system hierarchy for brain-inspired computing” in Nature fascinating here.