Week 17 – Two State Systems

This week: two state qunatum mechanical systems. Spin 1/2 and rotations, time independent perturbations, time dependent perturbations leading to emission and absorption, NMR and MASERS. Music: “Summer Wind” by Lyle Lovett, “Frank’s Wild Years” by Tom Waits and “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Two State Systems

Week 10 – Time Scales

This week, we think about different time scales: atomic, cosmological, sub-atomic, geological and human. We also think about how to make your computer go faster. Music: Theme from James Bond, “Only You” and “Kawika” from The Sunday Manoa.
Time Scales

Week 1- Religiously

ReligiouslyThings you may not know about the exam and how to overcome the most common pitfall in approaching it. THE KEY: start now, eighteen weeks before the exam and study 1/2 hour each day until further notice.

Week 16 – Hydrogen atom

Quantum mehanical hydorgen atom: Bohr model, unperturbed Schrodinger model, Stark, relativistic, fine and Zeeman perturbations, interaction with radiation field and hyperfine transitions. Music: “Sister Christian” by Night Ranger and “Everybody Knows” by Leonard Cohen.

Week 9 – E & M

Electricity and Magnetism (Van der Graff)Not nearly enough about E&M, based on Prucell. Electrostatics, relation of E, B and relativity, waves and circuits. Music: “Now’s the Time” by Charlie Parker, “Ashokan Farewell” by Fiddle Fever.

Week 18 – Scattering

Kinematics, impact parameter, differential and total cross section, scattering of electromagnetic waves, 1 dimensional quantum mechanical scattering, Born approximation and optical theorem. Music: “Alphabet Street” by Prince, “American Pie” by Don McLean.