Message to the Physics Community, Monday, June 1, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

I’ll send an update tomorrow about the various things that happened related to the Physics Community tomorrow.  Right now, I am having trouble even typing or putting together a sentence – so many awful things happened in the last days I am still sorting through.  I’m sorry, I just do not have the words.

Others do: Cathy Modica, always inspiring, Alan Grossman, Head of Biology, and graduate student Olumakinde Ogunnaike and the Physics REFs have all written great heartfelt things and asked me to share.

What I can say now is this: I know many of you are feeling great pain and fear because of your race or heritage.  Many feel afraid of the people who are supposed to protect us.  Many are afraid of the violence on our streets, not from those peacefully expressing their anger and fear over the way their communities are treated, but from opportunists seeking to create chaos for reasons I cannot fathom.  Astoundingly, our Federal government seems to side against us at every turn, ignoring their duty to protect and help those who need it most.  All in the midst of a worldwide crisis that could draw us together, except that being together is unsafe.

I feel like crawling into a hole and pulling it in after me.  Instead, I am going to reach out to a few people I know who may need it.

The Sun will come up tomorrow and maybe something good will happen.

Thank you Cathy, Alan and Olumakinde.
