Message to the Physics Community, Friday, March 27, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Adjusted Syllabus – Cathy Modica sent this story about a professor adjusting his syllabus for remote instruction.  Here is the syllabus itself: syllabus

Grades – MIT is getting some good press in the Globe for going to PE/NE/IE grading.

The are many efforts going on around MIT to collect and donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), make and sterilize N95 masks and face plates, and build ventilators.

Physics Department Events

  • Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4-5 pm – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”
  • April 1-3, Admitted Graduate Studnet Open House, details to come.
  • Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Faculty-Staff-Student lunch, “How we are doing with Remote Teaching So Far?”
  • Thursday, April 9, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Faculty-Staff-Student lunch, “Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing”, David Kaiser and Julie Shah
  • Thursday, April 16, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – “Grading and Exam Guidelines for the Spring Term”, Nergis Mavalvala
  • Thursday, April 23, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Nikta Fakhri

All events are open to the entire Physics Community.  The zoom link for all lunches is

Physics Department

Cecilia Stuopis, Head of MIT Medical, has been talking about using more empathetic language as we begin to know people who have COVID-19.  I exchanged emails with her with a couple of examples:

  1. Upon hearing that a colleague has COVID-19: “I am so sorry that you have contracted this disease.   I know you must be concerned about how this might affect you.  If you’d like to talk please let me know.”
  2. A colleague expressing fears at contracting the disease: “I know you are scared and worried about how this might affect you and your family.  The best thing you can do is to follow the guidelines about hand washing and social distancing.”

You get this idea – acknowledge the person’s (and your own) fears rather than telling them it is unlikely they come to harm.  While the latter may be an attempt at reassurance, we cannot know what is going to happen and should honestly face the reality of this situation.

Academic Continuity Meeting


Zoom – three questions about zoom and privacy have come up:

  1. Can zoom sell my data? No – the MIT site license does not allow this.  Thank you Mark DiVincenzo and the OGC.
  2. Who can see videos on the zoom cloud? Only those allowed by the poster, also part of the site license.
  3. How do I prevent “zoom bombing”? Zoom bombing is distributing a zoom session by rude comments, gestures, etc.  MIT has set up zoom so by default, only those with MIT Touchstone credentials can connect.  If you want to use zoom to connect with people outside MIT, you have to turn this off, as shown here (fourth button) in the session setup.  If the zoom bombers are within the MIT community, the proper course is the COD or HR.  Details to follow soon.

State of Emergency – the State has not declared a State of Emergency, a.k.a. a lock-down and does not plan to.  If this were to happen, access would be further restricted to those keeping animals alive, maintaining irreplaceable equipment, and carrying out COVID-19 research with near-term application.  Facilities are starting to build these lists, just in case.

Note: there are no planned Academic Continuity Meetings planned for the weekend.

I have received heartfelt thanks from many of you for these messages and I really appreciate it.  In the early days, I felt the best thing I could do to lower the stress level is to tell everyone as simply as I could what is going on and answer any questions I can.  I’m glad it has helped you and I will continue to write these until it is time to stop. Comments always welcome.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.





Message to the Physics Community, Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Today I reading Science about planting sentinel trees to identify insect invaders and it reminded me of a great book I just read called The Overstory.  A good thing to curl up with in these difficult times.  One of the very best book I have ever read.

In the last week’s, things have been frantic and everyone has faced the mortality of ourselves and those we love and care about.  At the same time, we have had to shop, some have had to move, prepare lectures, care for kids and so on.  And, the banal has not stopped – robo-calls, spam, and other demands on our time.

Some of these come from people just like us who, just like us, are doing their (new) jobs in adverse circumstances.  They make work for a professional society and have a deadline for a statistical story on the field, so they send us a survey to fill out.  Others are responsible for property management and need to know what lab something is in, so they ask by email.  And so on.

At this time of maximum stress, these demands can the focus of our fury – unable to control big parts of our lives all of the sudden, we may be tempted to lash out over some small thing.  These come from people just like you trying to do their job, just like you.  With this in mind, consider both sides of the equation:

  • Is now really the best time to ask someone to do something?  Could it wait a day, a week, or a month?
  • If you are a recipient of a request that you do not feel appropriate, could you just reply, “My life is unsettled right now and I cannot do what you ask.  Please try again in a day, a week, or a month.”

Things need to get done, but we are all uncertain and operating at about 50% capacity, so it is good to recognize and respond with that in mind no matter which side of the request you may find yourself on.

Physics Department Events

  • Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4-5 pm – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”
  • April 1-3, Admitted Graduate Studnet Open House, details to come.
  • Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Faculty-Staff-Student lunch, “How we are doing with Remote Teaching So Far?”
  • Thursday, April 9, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Faculty-Staff-Student lunch, “Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing”, David Kaiser and Julie Shah
  • Thursday, April 16, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – “Grading and Exam Guidelines for the Spring Term”, Nergis Mavalvala
  • Thursday, April 23, 2020, 12-1:30 pm – Nikta Fakhri

All events are open to the entire Physics Community.  The zoom link for all lunches is

Physics Department

Guidelines for doctoral requirements for the Spring 2020 semester – Many thanks to Nergis, Cathy, and the Education Committee for working these out.

Some remarks about remote instruction – We launch into this new world on Monday.  I am not an expert, but I have two thoughts.

  1. I’d suggest thinking about having the first week or two of lectures be asynchronous (i.e. posted recording that students can download and what when they wish) rather than synchronous.  Get used to using zoom for recitations, help sessions, and office hours.  If that goes well, try synchronous lectures in a week or two.
  2. My Daughter Olympia started online learning Monday.  She is working very long hours – everything takes twice as long for her.  She is used to working a lot with classmates, as I expect MIT students do.  Group projects seem especially tricky.  I would keep this in mind when considering assignments.

Zoom – I took their webinar and learned a lot.  Part of the deal is the video, which is here. It is about an hour and well worth it, even if you have used zoom a lot.

Academic Continuity Meeting

Campus – the first day of limited access mostly worked but had some problems with people not being on access lists.  Krystyn and Joe are working to sort it out.  If you have problems getting on campus for a critical task, please let me or your PI know.

Advisory messages – came out today.  Of interest:

  • For students, support for online learning:
  • Ian Waitz has reached out to other Ivy+ leadership about developing a statement for our websites regarding graduate admission next year.  Different universities chose different grading policies in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the statement says that will be taken into account in next year’s admissions decisions.  Stay tuned.

Community Continuity Working Group – a new group working on establishing an MIT wide community in the virtual world.  Led by John Dozier and Maryanne Kirkbride

Gifts for COVID-19 – MIT has established three gift funds to support MIT COVID-19 related activities

  1. Fund for immediate institutional needs, such as supporting PPE donations to local hospitals.
  2. COVID-19 related research
  3. Student life and wellness support fund

We had a great talk at lunch today from Arup, Jeff, and Ibrahim, moderated by Mehran.  We will post a link to the video when it is ready.  Our first colloquium from Scott Gaudi also went well – a good talk and questions after.  Well done!


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Dear Physics Community,

I was really happy today to see that MIT will no longer require SAT subject exams. I have always been concerned these exams are highly biased and not well regulated.

Physics Department Events

  • Thursday, March 26, 2020 ,12-1 pm – Faculty-Staff lunch, our biophysicists will tell us about viruses, how they are transmitted, and how to limit epidemics
  •  Thursday, March 26, 2020, 4-5 pm – Colloquium – Prof. Scott Gaudi, Ohio State, “The Demographics of Exoplanets”
  •  Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4-5 pm – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”
  • April 1-3, Admitted Graduate Studnet Open House, details to come.
  • Thursday, April 9, 2020, 12-1 pm – Faculty-Staff-Student lunch, “How we are doing with Remote Teaching So Far?”

All events are accessible by zoom.  The ID will be sent by email to the community mailing list.

Physics Department

Embryos start as a single cell, that divides and divides,…8,16, 32,…  At some point structures form.  How does the embryo “know” to start the head and the opposite end from the feet.  MIT News has a story on  Prof. Nikta Fakhri and her group’s work to find out how this works.

Graduate student office hours – Nergis, Cathy, Syd, and I had an hour with our graduate students to answers questions and see how everyone is doing.  The top concerns were grading and graduate exams.  The Education Committee, led by Nergis, will work through this and we will have clear guidance Friday.

Academic Continuity Meeting


Local area hospitals – Elezar Edelman is a professor in IMES and an ICU doctor.  He was asked what is it like in local hospitals right now?  He reported that most hospitals have a receiving tent set up outside for testing and assessment.  There is also drive through testing.  Intensive Care Units (ICUs) have been extended to receive patients – his hospital has 3 ICU areas staffed by 5 care teams working 12 h shifts.  They are preparing for a patient surge in 1-2 weeks.

The hospitals are completely mobilized around COVID-19, so do not go there unless you absolutely need to.  He said the ER will completely be packed with people waiting in the halls, which is a pretty dangerous environment.

PPE – Elezar Edelman reported the first MIT donated personal protective equipment was donated to local hospitals today.

Academic Continuity Working groups – as we move into a more stable state, some working groups are forming to make long terms plans.  Stay tuned.

Limited Access Plan – has started.  There is signage by all doors and online guidance here.  If you need to get in somewhere, please work through your PI or let me know.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Message to the Physics Community, Tuesday March 24, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

I was writing to someone today and recounted the past two weeks.  On March 9, I think, I was looking into tickets to go down to Florida and see Andy, Sarah and Philipe if the timing worked.  Then, my assistant, Christina told me I had to be on a phone call at 8:30 am, no excuses.  The Administration decided to cancel all classes of over 150 students, just as a precaution.

The timeline from for me is then is:

  • March 10 – Decision to continue class until March 13, send all students home by March 17 and resume March 30 online
  • March 12 – Decision to cancel classes and send all students home by March 15
  • March 13 – As many staff are to work from home as possible
  • March 16 – I start working from home
  • March 17 – Everyone non-essential works from home, all research to shut down, Governor closes all bars and restaurants
  • March 19 – All graduate students in MIT housing strongly urged to vacate
  • March 23 – MIT buildings secure, 1,500 of 10,000 students remain, Governor closes all non-essential businesses (liquor stores considered essential)
  • March 24 – Commencement canceled, Harvard President tests positive for COVID-19, first MIT positive test

Everyone will remember their own timeline.  what I realized, maybe on March 15, was that we were running ahead of an exponential.  The first stage of an epidemic is exponential and the rate of doubling of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts is 3.1 days.  When the severity of the threat doubles every three days, the plan you make in the morning is irrelevant by the afternoon.

Physics Department

Leadership course – half-semester leadership course starts March 31  and is taught Profs. Anna Freberl and Angeliki Diane Rigos.  Details here LEAPS.

Physics Department Events

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 4-5 pm EST – Graduate student office hours.  Nergis, Cathy, Syd, and I will be on hand to answer questions and see how the graduate community is doing.
  • Thursday, March 26, 2020 ,12-1 pm – Faculty-Staff lunch, our biophysicists will tell us about viruses, how they are transmitted, and how to limit epidemics
  •  Thursday, March 26, 2020, 4-5 pm – Colloquium – Prof. Scott Gaudi, Ohio State, “The Demographics of Exoplanets”
  •  Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4-5pm – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”
  • April 1-3, Admitted Graduate Studnet Open House, details to come.

Academic Continuity Meeting

Advisories and other documents –

MIT Medical Director Cecilia Stoupis had some interesting advice on how to talk about COVID-19 when we start to hear of cases in the MIT community.  For many, it is still remote and we speak of “cases”, “victims”, and “spreading”.  In the coming weeks, people we know and perhaps ourselves will have COVID-19 and we should change to more empathic language: cases and victims have names and are not threats, but friends in need.  Using alienating language will make those with COVID-19 less likely to report symptoms and reach out for help.  I will ask more about this in tomorrow’s phone call.

PPE – Elezar Edelman and Joe Higgins, reported substantial donations of PPE to local hospitals with the hope of bridging the gap (now 7-10 days) before industrial supply can meet the needs.  Along with Marty Culpepper, they are working with 3M to ensure as supply N95 masks that meet specifications. There are also manufacturing efforts on campus to make faceshields for use by doctors and nurses.
Transition to remote teaching – lots of resources at, including for TA’s and other instructors.  Krishna had three pieces of advice for teaching remotely:
  1. If you are teaching synchronously from home, tell your student that you are inviting them into your home, there may be family distractions and that is just part of where we find ourselves.
  2. Practice, practice, practice
  3. Make clear your intents surrounding midterms and other exams if you plan to have them.  Explain the mechanics in detail – these will be very different and could be vexing if everyone is not on the same page.
Campus – limited access plan goes into effect tomorrow.  See the advisory above for how to get aecess if you are not critical or have not signed up to us a room for recording your lecture.  There are plans for quiet spaces for lecture preparation and record in E17/18, details to come.
At the end of the phone call, Ian Waitz made an oracular comment about how we might innovate for this year’s virtual commencement the way MIT did 50 years ago.  I looked up the 1970 commencement here and found,
Perhaps the most notable event in MIT’s Commencement history occurred when there was no speaker. In 1970, during the peak of the United States’ conflict in Vietnam, the graduating class requested that then-MIT President Howard Wesley Johnson HM ’66 refrain from speaking in lieu of two minutes of silence to consider what can be done “to help resolve the conflicts which divide mankind in this country and around the world.”
I’ll also note the last time commencement was canceled with 1918 during WWI, also a pandemic year.
Quanta has a cool article here from Ron Rivest about reducing voter fraud.  Worth reading.  In fact, everything in Quanta is worth reading. Thank you, Jim Simons!


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Message to the Physics Community, Monday March 23, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

Happy Monday.  Perhaps an oxymoron for many, but Monday’s can be a day of hope for better weeks ahead.  Gov. Baker asked only essential businesses to stay open.  According to their guidelines, MIT’s delivery of online education is essential.  So are liquor stores.

Todaly’;s post is shorter than usual, reflecting planning that went on through the day.

Upcoming Departmental Events

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 4-5 pm EST – Graduate student office hours.  Nergis, Cathy, Syd, and I will be on hand to answer questions and see how the graduate community is doing.
  • Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Faculty-Staff lunch, our biophysicists will tell us about viruses, how they are transmitted, and how to limit epidemics
  •  Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Colloquium – Prof. Scott Gaudi, Ohio State, “The Demographics of Exoplanets”
  •  Thursday, April 2, 2020 – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”
  • April 1-3, Admitted Graduate Studnet Open House, details to come.

Academic Continuity Meeting

New advisories of interest see here for a complete list,

City of Cambridge – MIT and Cambridge are working out ways to support our students living off-campus.  News to come.

Housing – the housing situation has stabilized with about 1,300 graduates and 249 undergraduates remaining housed in Maseeh, Baker, and McCormick houses.  About 450 graduate students are planning to leave in the coming weeks.

Commencement – in-person commencement likely canceled.  Virtual replacement and in-person event later.

Physics Department

Graduate academics – we are working on policies for

  • Written exams
  • Oral exams
  • Thesis defenses

for this term and aims to have clear guidance for the graduate community by the end of the week.  (I know I wrote before that it would be today, but today I learned the questions need to be thought through carefully.)

Graduate office hours – Nergis, Cathy, Syd, and I will be available Wednesday, 4-5 pm via zoom to answer questions and hear how our graduate students are doing.  We’d like to make this a regular event.  Questions in advance welcome.

Did you know that coffee was invented at MIT by the Dean of Science?



P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Message to the Physics Community, Sunday March 22, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

For the first time in two weeks, there was no Academic Continuity phone meeting today.  They will resume tomorrow.

MIT alerts has five new documents today and I’ll highlight three:

  1. Framework for managing campus access – this is important for PI’s and anyone planning to enter MIT buildings for the foreseeable future and those living in MIT housing
  2. Tips for supporting and working with students – see comment below
  3. Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD) resources available 

Following on Item 2, a large part of our responsibilities is the well-being of our students.  In this unusual time, we must take care of how we interact with each other, particularly our staff.  The change in the way we have to work is a huge change in the way things we do not usually see have to take place.  These are things like purchasing, reimbursements, visa processing, course support, and so on.  The burden for these changes falls on our staff and they have to work out many, many details each day.  Changing to remote teaching is a very visible, worrisome about endeavor, as it should be, but please keep in mind our staff is, in real-time, carrying out tasks of comparable complexity and confusion at the same time, in some cases without the same level of support as what we have forof our remote teaching effort.

My experience in the last week was that I could accomplish about half the things each day that I could before COVID-19.  Maybe in the coming week that will rise to 60% or 70%.  This is the same for all of us, but the staff’s work is also highly interconnected with each other and rebuilding that connection in the remote world further reduces what the staff can carry out, especially as new policies happen in real-time.  I’d like to suggest a few things in the spirit of Item #2:

  • Take time to talk to the people you interact with each and reach out to those you may not normally talk to.  Ask how things are going and if you can help in some way.
  • Keep in mind the 50% rule for the next few weeks.
  • Some students, faculty, and staff are alone much of the time.  Some contact will help them.
  • Others have children at home that need care and attention.  Children sense their parents’ fear and react to it in all kinds of ways.  A parent working at home will put in the time, but it will be fragmented and over a longer portion of the day. Understanding is needed.
  • Similarly, some may be caring for a relative who may be ill or fearful and this will be a distraction. Understanding is needed.

Knowing the Department over the last seven years, I know we will get the important stuff done.  How we get it done is what is important now.

Upcoming Departmental Events

All these events are virtual, via remote connection, and open to all the community.  As time passes and we add events, they will be more targeted to specific groups as they were before.

  •  Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Faculty-Staff lunch, our biophysicists will tell us about viruses, how they are transmitted, and how to limit epidemics
  •  Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Colloquium – Prof. Scott Gaudi, Ohio State, “The Demographics of Exoplanets”
  •  Thursday, April 2, 2020 – Colloquium – Prof. Alan Guth, MIT, “Inflation”

Student focussed talks – Anna Frebel is organizing a weekly department-wide zoom style talk series for grad students and postdocs (and really anyone who wants to listen).

Anyone can sign up to speak! Consider presenting, if you

  • Were you scheduled to give a science talk at a conference this spring but it was canceled
  • Have some new and exciting science to share
  • Have something else interesting to share, or a topic to discuss (can be non-science!)
  • Sign up here:
  • We need two people per week (plus two backups), for <30 min each. Please consider a non-specialist audience, as this is a department-wide effort! So you may need to add or take out a slide to make it widely accessible!

Thank you Anna!

Tomorrow is Monday and we begin our second week of remote work.  We are slowly getting to something like a new normal, but we are not there yet.  For this week, keep your goals modest and attainable, take extra time for yourself and those around you, and focus on the now, which is easy to overlook.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Correction to March 20 post – International Travel – UPDATED 7:41 pm

Dear Physics Community,

In my message of March 20, I wrote that “International students cannot leave the country because of travel bans.”  I have since learned this is not universally true.  If you need to travel internationally, please check first with the consulate of the country you wish to travel to.  I will try to get better information for you, the State Department site seems only concerned with US Citizens.  I apologize for posting incorrect information.

UPDATE: I contacted Vivian Ruiz and David Elwell in ISO and they advised:

  1. view their country’s Embassy to confirm restrictions on entry to their country. Some are allowing citizens to return but may face a 2-week quarantine or isolation (similar to US citizens returning to the US).
  2. check their airlines as there are daily changes to flight access.
  3. If students have questions about their ability to return to the US, they should contact their ISO Advisor Point of Contact (


Message to the Physics Community, Saturday, March 21, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

We are all now sheltering-in-place, some of us far from home, and perhaps wondering why doing so is necessary.  Please watch this speech about why we are doing this:  This is a history-making speech and deserves attention.

Academic Continuity Meeting

Housing – yesterday’s note on graduate student housing is here.   60% of the remaining students have completed the required forms.  245 undergraduates remain in emergency housing.  Both are required to follow the same rules.

Undergraduate admissions – Pi day came and went without the usual hoopla, so I asked what happened.  Admission offers went out and a few more students than usual were offered admission.  CPW and other outreach does a good job recruiting students and, without these events, the concern is the yield will be lower.

Campus space – secure of buildings is underway and a note will go out that will provide clarity to the access policies and processes.  Normal access will end Tuesday.  After that, card access will depend on being on the Limited Access Plan (LAP).  If you are not on the LAP, you can request access through ATLAS.  The LAP will have people from four categories on it: approved critical access (from plans submitted by PIs), scheduled to record a lecture, essential, and vendors.

Not much else, the meeting ended early and there will not be a meeting tomorrow.  Its a weekend, so nothing from the Department.

Here’s a cartoon Dan Kleppner sent:




Message to the Physics Community, March 20, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

I have not opined about how I think the pandemic will play out.  From my advising for the government, I hear quite a bit from experts and some who think they are experts, none of what they say is consistent, even the classified ones.  This is a time to go day-by-day: what can I do to make things better for me and those around me now, in the next hour, and the next day.  Longer than that, I just do not know.  What is very unusual is the right now, we are all doing this and I find some solace in that.  While we are physically separated, we are all, everyone in the world, going day-by-day, together. A unique moment.

Academic Continuity Meeting

Travel – The State Department issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory yesterday advising against all international travel.  The State Dept. has also limited visa processing, reported in the here.

Emergency grades – will go into effect with the resumption of classes on March 30.  There has been push back from various quarters in both directions – return the ABC/DF/I or making PE/NE/IE optional based on student or faculty preference. Careful consideration of many factors already went into the decision to have PE,NE, IE grading, and the Cahir of the Faculty will not reconsider it.

Graduate housing – guidance out here.  The situation evolved yesterday through the day in two ways.  First, some numbers:

  • MIT residential graduate population is 6,400 students
  • 4,000 live off-campus, 2,400 in Cambridge, 1,600 elsewhere
  • Of the remaining 2,350 living on campus, 530 have left
  • Of the 1,820 remaining, 550 are US citizens, the rest are international.  International students cannot leave because of travel bans.

I know the numbers do not add up – it is okay.

Through the day yesterday, two things happened that caused concern for graduate student housing:

  • Research on the coronavirus indicates it lasts much longer on surfaces and remains airborne longer than thought.  Both of these findings increase the likelihood of infection in shared living situations.
  • The City of Cambridge said MIT could help the city by being prepared to support the 3,000-4,000 members of the MIT community living in Cambridge.

These two developments made the Administration strongly “encourage” any graduate student who can leave, to do so.  They offer various incentives that outlined the guidance.  My reading of the rules in the guidance makes me advise you to get out if you can – life in MIT graduate housing will be tough.

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential for maintaining the health of those treating infected patients.  MIT is collecting PPE from labs around MIT for use in local hospitals and I am in trying to find out if PPE that can be obtained makes sense for those in dorms.  I am helping with a large group at MIT working to manufacture masks, face guards and ventilators for local use.

Staff and faculty – we are learning to work from home and MIT is producing advice on how to make this possible, especially with small children around, see here.

Campus space – the campus space reduction plan will circulate tonight, I hope.  Limited access will go into effect Sunday.  PIs: if you have critical access needs, this about who will be using the access.  MIT police will need to know they belong where they are.

Physics Department

Graduate Oral exams – we will have a policy out early next week that will be consistent across the divisions.  We are also working on PE/NE/IE grading guidance for graduate courses.

Student focussed talks – Anna Frebel is organizing a weekly department-wide zoom style talk series for grad students and postdocs (and really anyone who wants to listen).

Anyone can sign up to speak! Consider presenting, if you

  • Were you scheduled to give a science talk at a conference this spring but it was canceled
  • Have some new and exciting science to share
  • Have something else interesting to share, or a topic to discuss (can be non-science!)
  • Sign up here:
  • We need two people per week (plus two backups), for <30 min each.Please consider a non-specialist audience, as this is a department-wide effort! So you may need to add or take out a slide to make it widely accessible!

Thank you Anna!

Community – as we settle into this new life, we will have to find ways of building community.  Carol’s post is a good start for this and I would like to build on it.  In the coming week, I am going to work on how to make virtual informal gatherings with staff, students and faculty work.  If you have any ideas, please let me know.

I had eDrinks with people twice today.  Being 60 years old, I only learned about this last week from Carol’s post.  Both were great and made me realize how desperate I was for society.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.

Message to the Physics Community, Thursday, March 19, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

I was really heartened by the lunch talk today and the high level of interest and excitement in the community as we go online.  We have a deep bench for online and I think we will do well.

The Physics Department

Lunch Talk – Today we had an excellent faculty-staff lunch talk from Iain Stewart.  You can see his talk here.  93 people attended and I learned some things:

  • For a remote talk, you should multiply the time needed by a factor of 1.3
  • 4-5 people who tried to connect ended up in a “limbo room”, a known bug of zoom.  A restart was needed, but the talk was already 20 min by the time we knew.  Ideally, should start zoom 10 min early with everyone connected to make sure there is no one limboed.  The reality will be different.
  • Zoom glitched every 10 min for 4-5 sec.  Just have to live with it.  Crashed once but restarted in 15 s.
  • The students did not get the zoom invite owing to miscommunication on our end.  I apologize and will fix this – students are most welcome.

Iain’s talk was great and I learned a lot.  The “office hours” after were pretty useful as well.  I do not know if they were recorded.  Thank you Iain!

Student focussed talks – Anna Frebel is organizing a weekly department-wide zoom style talk series for grad students and postdocs (and really anyone who wants to listen).

Anyone can sign up to speak! Consider presenting, if you

  • Were you scheduled to give a science talk at a conference this spring but it was canceled
  • Have some new and exciting science to share
  • Have something else interesting to share, or a topic to discuss (can be non-science!)
  • Sign up here:
  • We need two people per week (plus two backups), for <30 min each. Please consider a non-specialist audience, as this is a department-wide effort! So you may need to add or take out a slide to make it widely accessible!

Thank you Anna!

Piazza – Iain hs set up a piazza page for online teaching in Physics here. The name of the class is 8.ONLINE-EDU.

Carol has sent some more gems:

Academic Continuity Meeting

Campus – the buildings group is in the process of securing limited access (formally called “mothballed” – term changed because nobody under 60 knows what a mothball is).  Buildings currently designated limits access will be secure (i.e. closed) by Sunday.  Assessment of candidate buildings will be complete and those buildings closed by Wednesday.  Physics does not use any such buildings, so we should not have a problem but if you find you need access somewhere, contact me.

Teaching and technology resources – MIT now has site licenses for Grade Scope, Slack Enterprise, and Zoom.  Janet Rankin’s group has resources for teaching online here. Please contact Janet if there is something specific you would like to see a workshop on.

Graduate Student Housing – as promised I brought this up at the 8 am meeting.  The response (I forgot from who) was that graduate students were being strongly encouraged to leave if they can, but there was no plan to evict anyone.  As the day progressed, I heard the encouragement was causing great stress, so I have asked Ian Waitz to make a clear statement about graduate student housing.  This evening, he said he would say something soon.

Advisories – MIT has put out a number of new advisories here. Some highlights:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – MIT is donating all of its PPE to local hospitals and other local universities are making similar moves.  PPE is in critically short supply and essential to the well being of those caring for the infected. If you have access to PPE you could donate (sealed in packaging), contact me.

Many have written to thank me for doing this, but I have to say it is the effort of a group and a privilege for me to be able to do this.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll here and I have been accumulating useful links that have gone by here. In particular, I am trying to keep a list of MIT policy communications.

Thanks to Physics Council, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.