Message to the Physics Community, Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dear Physics Community,

This just in – re-start process letter from Maria

Listening to your gut – the human gut biome has become the object of intense study in the last five years.  In the gut, there is about 1.5 kg of living bacteria, virus, and other living stuff that protects our body in many complex ways.  These are creatures living inside us, not human cells.  Now there is more in-depth evidence that the gut biome signals the brain, and the two communicate in complex ways.

No Academic Continuity Meeting today

Physics Department

Quantum radar anyone? – PMTs and APDs can detect single visible and IR photons, but microwaves have much lower energy, and single microwave photon with high efficiency and little background has remained elusive.  Single microwave photon detection using two coupled two-level systems has just been achieved, here.

Katherine Johnson – for “Hidden Figures” fame passed away.  Obit here.  At Johnson Space Center, there was a display about her first calculation of the flight to the moon and back done by hand and slide-rule.

Los Endos

Dating – the venerable C-14 method is up for a refresh.


P.S. I am posting these messages in my blog roll hereThanks to Physics Council, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Cathy Modica, Vicky Metternich, and Christina Andujar for input and comments on these messages.