Wandering Post, Friday, June 25, 2020

Dear Wanderers,

We are slowly, grudgingly restarting MIT.  Every system we had has to be rethought and reconsidered.  A good time to do things better and more fairly, but still with huge uncertainties.  Meanwhile, we all wait to see what happens.  A good moment for mentors to reach out and friends to connect and see how each other are doing.  Once the word comes down, a lot will happen fast.  We are living history.


  • New black hole merger – a 23 solar mass merged with a 2.6 solar mass.  LIGO/Virgo saw it right away..  Deepto and Kirshna are excited.
  • The fundamental beat of the universe – theoretical results on the fundamental upper limit to the period of an oscillator.
  • Blackhole merger – who cares?  LIGO/Viro sees these all the time.  but this one happened inside the accretion disk of a quasar.

Los Endos

The Lechmere T Station is going and they are pulling down the ramp from the viaduct down into the station and will replace it with a ramp into the new North Point Station on the other side of Rt. 28.  The history of the viaduct, with pictures, is here.

Was going to write out Invictus here, but jut not into it.
